Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Saas Grund to Grindelwald: Goregous Aare Gorge as a bonus

Time to leave Saas Grund :(

So from Saas Grund to Grindelwald was an interesting drive, including winding our way up Grimselpass.

Which looked like this
and this

Having lunch at the top, and watching the parade of motorbikes

And as a happy distraction from the gondola-mountain-glacier parade we chanced upon the Aareschult (Aare Gorge), which I'd put on the wishlist map but then completely forgot about.  I'm really glad I happened to see it from the road, because the walk through was spectacular and reminded us a lot of the Congost de Mont-rebei.

The walk is 1.4km one-way, we walked out and back again, but you can also use a bus or a train to come back.

The walk is very interesting the whole way, quite open in some parts.

and really narrow at some points.  The path disappears inside cold dripping tunnels a few times.  Bring a jacket!

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