Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Gruyères: cheese and bloodthirsty aliens, Bern

Last real tourist day, on the way back to Zurich we stopped in at Gruyères (of cheese fame) and Bern.

The approach to Château de Gruyères
View from the top of the castle
The strangest thing about Gruyères, is that the HR Giger Museum is right inside the castle.  If that name isn't familiar, perhaps this photo will give you a clue:

An alien-themed bar is not what I expected to find here.
So in the middle of all this medieval-ness there's a whole lot of chest-bursting alien sculpture.  It couldn't be more incongruous. Slate calls it a biomechanical dystopia hidden inside a Swiss medieval village.

So, onwards to Bern, for a whirlwind stroll though the old town.

Looking over the Aare

Park complete with bikes for kids to ride that you can borrow.  The swiss have amazing parks.

Parliament building

Fountains outside parliament

Bears living next to the river!  Zoomed out view of their habitat below.

This brewhouse bar next to the bear enclosure looked amazing. time, have to get back to Zurich, flying out tomorrow.
And so concluded the switzerland adventure.

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