Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Harvard, home of the worst statue ever

We started out in Boston with a free tour of Harvard by a female student, who was very good, but had the worst case of man-walk I have ever seen. One of my favourite parts was the statue inscribed with John Harvard, Founder, 1638 which is funny because:

  • Harvard contributed land but wasn't the the founder;
  • The institution was founded in 1636; and
  • The statue isn't even a likeness of John Harvard, because there were no photographs or portraits available of the actual John Harvard.

My other favourite piece of folklore was that students don't walk through Johnson gate because there is a superstition you won't graduate if you pass through the gate during your time at Harvard. It was funny to watch everyone squeezing in and out of the much smaller curse-free gate beside it. We managed to catch a student destroying their career in the photo!

Does anyone else find it slightly amusing/annoying that Harvard is in a locality called Cambridge? Maybe it's just me.


Garth said...


G said...

Man-walk = walking like a man. Kind of hard to describe, but imagine thrusting your crotch forward and walking slightly bow-legged. Writing this is making me laugh...