Sunday, 27 July 2014

Two Grizzlies, a Gondola, and Bow/Petyo/Moraine Lakes

The next day the weather was amazing so we headed up the Lake Louise gondola.

Glorious day for a gondola ride

Appropriately named Mt. Temple on the left

First grizzly I've ever seen in the wild.  Seeing it from the gondola was just about the perfect way to take photos and not get eaten.

Lake Louise, you can also see some of the electric fence that encircled the top of the chairlift to keep the bears away....

Lots of wildflowers
Chillin back at the ski resort

Moar Bear!

Bow Lake

We took a short hike to Peyto Lake with 2 unwilling crying kids in carriers and 5,000 mosquitos.

Crowfoot glacier

Sunset on Mt. Temple and Little Temple as seen from the hotel.

The next day we braved the parking madness (the parking is really limited) to check out Moraine Lake.

Parking shitfight

Beautiful Moraine Lake

Short hike up to get this view.  Would have loved to take a canoe out but the line for rental was multiple hours long.

Cheeky.  Very cheeky.

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