Wednesday 11 August 2010

Carn Stew! World squash converges on Canberra

The venue certainly isn't as cool as a glass box with a view of the pyramids, or hitting a yellow dot around in Grand Central station, but for the next few days the Convention Centre in Canberra is the focus of the squash world for the Australian Squash Open.

Some of the best squash players in the world are in town - 17 of the top 18 male players.  Tonight we saw, for free, the world #4 and #7 amongst others. Watching native Canberran Stewart Boswell ('carn stew!) go up against Thierry Lincou was great, even if the home favourite lost.  Boswell is in blue below.

The comp continues through to Sunday, tomorrow is the last day you can get in for free.

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